Condensed Matter Physics
Finished June 2021 | Lecture Notes
Statistical Mechanics
Condensed Matter Physics | Statistical Mechanics | Thermodynamics |These lecture notes provide an in-depth treatment of Statistical Mechanics, linking macroscopic thermodynamic properties to microscopic behaviors through probability theory. Topics include classical ensembles, phase transitions, and applications in condensed matter physics.
Mar 8, 1962 | Project Showcases
Quantum Statistical Models
Condensed Matter Physics | Quantum Mechanics | Statistical Physics |This project involves the development of quantum statistical models, providing insights into the behavior of particles in condensed matter systems.
May 15, 1960 | Project Showcases
Superconductivity Research
BCS Theory | Condensed Matter Physics | Superconductivity |This project delves into the groundbreaking research conducted on superconductivity, leading to the development of the BCS theory.

Jul 22, 1957 | Project Showcases
Cooper Pairs and Condensed Matter Physics
Condensed Matter Physics | Quantum Mechanics | Superconductivity |This project explores the role of Cooper pairs in condensed matter physics, specifically in the study of superconductors.
Apr 1, 1957 | Project Showcases
BCS Theory: The Foundation of Superconductivity
BCS Theory | Condensed Matter Physics | Superconductivity |The BCS theory, named after Bardeen, Cooper, and Schrieffer, explains how electron pairs, known as Cooper pairs, form in a superconductor and enable it to conduct electricity without resistance.